
Expected outputs and outcomes


Strong cases of shared CA & SAM experiences and lessons highlighting opportunities and pathways for scaling providing critical tools and incentives for decision makers to invest in the development of CA & SAM strategies and programmes. (Resources hosted/established in four sub-regional research networks, the Africa- Mechanize and 3ACCA platforms).


Stakeholders’ consensus on strengthening effective pan-African national and regional networks, partnerships and cooperation mechanisms to harness economies of scale in the scaling of CA and SAM and ensure their long-term sustainability with support from regional development finance and research institutions including AfDB and FARA.


Public and private sector investors’ consensus on the role of CA and SAM in enhancing productivity, efficient use of inputs, labour saving, timeliness of operations, biological nitrogen fixation, climate change adaptability and mitigation, poverty alleviation, as well as in humanitarian strategies for targeted emergency access support to CA and SAM inputs and services for the most vulnerable farmers in the unfolding food crisis amidst the pandemics and conflicts.


Regional flagship projects operationalizing the F-SAMA anchored on affirmative action thematic areas and/or value chains (e.g. mechanization service providers, agro-processing and value addition entrepreneurs) initiated (At least four flagship projects one in each sub-region).


Building on the host country’s (Morocco) target and investments to reach 1 million hectares of mechanized CA by 2030, obtain re-commitments from other African Governments on their pledges to operationalize the Malabo Declarations’ Vision 25 x 25 with CA and SAM at the core of sustainable agriculture development.

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