

SESSION 1: Registration Master Of ceremony - Congress Registration Team

07:30 hrs - 09:30 hrs

Master of Ceremony


Registration continues and Entertainments

SESSION 2: Opening Session Master of Ceremony - Dr Faouzi Bekkaoui, INRA

09:30 hrs - 11:00 hrs

Master of Ceremony

Opening session

Opening speech by Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Morocco (HE Mohammed Sadiki).

Addresses by VIPs: 

 Minister for Food and Agriculture Ghana (Virtual) (Hon. Bryan Acheampong (MP)

 Commissioner AUC–ARBE (HE Amb. Josefa Sacko) (Jerome Afeikhena)

 Global Director CGIAR (Martin Kropff)

Inaugural Speech by FAO DDG (Ms Beth Bechdol).

11:00 hrs - 11:30 hrs

Tea Break

Tea Break

Plenary 1 - High Level Panel Discussion Master of Ceremony - Faouzi Bekkaoui (INRA)

11:30 hrs - 13:00 hrs

Plenary 1 - High Level Panel Discussion: Policy support for development finance and investments for a resilient future in Africa with CA and SAM.

Moderator: Faouzi Bekkaoui (INRA)

Congress objectives: Saidi Mkomwa (ACT)


• Ms Beth Bechdol, FAO DDG

• Mr Martin Kropff, Global Director CGIAR

• Mr Samba Kante, Board Chair of the Agricultural Bank of Senegal

• Mr Jaouad Bahaji, DG Office National de Conseil Agricole, Morocco

• Ms Medrina Linda Mloza Banda, Principal Secretary (Technical Services), Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi

• Martin Bwalya, CA & CSA expert (ACT)

Rapporteurs: Josef Kienzle (FAO), Weldone Mutai (ACT), Tom Goddard (ICAAP-Africa).

13:00 hrs - 14:00 hrs

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Plenary 2 – Farmers Forum Master of Ceremony - Edward Chuma (ACT Network)

14:00 hrs - 15:30 hrs

Plenary 2 – Farmers Forum: Scaling of CA & SAM by producers and service providers in Africa.

Moderator: Edward Chuma (ACT Network): 

Panellists: Kofi Boa (CNTA, Ghana); Brian Oldrive (Zimbabwe); Royd Michelo (Zambia); Hicham Daoui (AMAC, Morocco), Nawfel Roudies (UM6P, Morocco). 

Rapporteurs: Collins Nkatiko (CFU Zambia), Hafiz Muminjanov (FAO) and Frew Berisso (CFGB, Ethiopia)

Poster presentations & Side Event Session Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

16:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs

Poster presentations

Coordinator: Badre El Himdy (IAV Hassan II), El Hassane Bourarach (ACT/AMAC), Rachid Moussadek (INRA/ ICARDA), Hafiz Muminjanov (FAO)   

16:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs

Side Event 1: Promoting sustainable food systems through CA: evidence from the field (IFAD)

Conveners: Putso Nyathi (IFAD) and Dan Higgins (IFAD) 

Panellists: Melkie Fenta (Ethiopia), Kefasi Kamoyo (Malawi), Mary Muteti (Kenya), Jimmy Mweri (FAO), Charles Kibiru (Ikonic Agricultural Machinery), Sebastien Subsol (AFD). 

Rapporteurs: Silvia (PMI)

Parallel Side Event Sessions Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

17:00 hrs - 19:00 hrs

Side Event 2: New Initiatives to promote CA in Africa

Convener: Rachid Moussadek (ICARDA) 

General session speaker: O. Ortiz (One CGIAR) 

Panellists: EiA-CA Morocco (R. Moussadek & M. Devkota), CWANA-F2R (M. Baum), ClimBer (A. Govind), C. Thierfelder (CIMMYT), M.Nkomo (EiA), Remi Trier (WB) 

Rapporteurs: K. Devkota and Y. Yigezu (ICARDA).

17:00 hrs - 19:00 hrs

Side Event 3: Conservation Agriculture in Mediterranean projects (CAMA, 4CEMED, ConServeTerra, React4Med) presentations 7 minutes each [30min]

Convener: Michele Rinaldi (CREA) 

Moderator: Harun Cicek (FiBL) 

Panel discussion topics: 

(i) Success stories from MED Farmers: Emilio Gonzalez (Spain); François Mandin (France); Abdelhakim Mohsine (AMAC) (Morocco) (45min)

(ii) Technical, cultural and political constraints to adoption of Conservation Agriculture (45min).

Panelists: F. Mandin (APAD), R. Mrabet (INRA) and H. Cheikh M’Hamed (INRAT) 

Rapporteurs: M. Elmourid (Agenda) and A. Zouahri (INRA)

Plenary 3 – Panel Discussion Master of Ceremony - Rachid Mrabet (INRA, Morocco)

8:30 hrs - 10:00 hrs

Plenary 3 – Panel Discussion: Expanding CA-based Climate Smart Agriculture in Africa.

Convener and Moderator: Rachid Mrabet (INRA, Morocco). 

Panellists: Pandi Zdruli (CIHEAM-Bari, Italy); Sieg Snapp (CIMMYT); M L Jat (ICRISAT); Robert Zougmore (Alliance Bioversity-CIAT) 

Rapporteurs: Lewis Hove (FAO), Lindah Muzangwa (North-West University, SA), Susan Mbacho (SUA)

Plenary 4 – Panel Discussion Master of Ceremony - Rachid Moussadek (ICARDA/INRA, Morocco)

10:00 hrs - 11:00 hrs

Plenary 4 – Panel Discussion: CA for Carbon Farming in Africa.

Convener & Moderator: Rachid Moussadek (ICARDA/INRA, Morocco). 

Panellists: Gottlieb Basch (ECAF), Tom Goddard (ICAAPAfrica), Faissal Sehbaoui (UM6P),Riad Balaghi (AAA) and Liudmila Orlova (NMCA Russia). 

Rapporteurs: H. Boulal (APNI), Elhabib Elmostafa(UM6P), and M. Boughlala (INRA) 

Parallel sessions Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

11:30 hrs - 13:00 hrs

Subtheme 1: Promoting CA and SAM knowledge, research and innovation system management.

Keynote speaker: Christian Thierfelder (CIMMYT), 

Session Chair: Tom Goddard (ICAAP-Africa); Co-Chair - Rondromalala Andriamady (Madagascar). 

Rapporteurs: Mohamed Chikhaoui (IAV), Imane T. Alami (INRA), Godfrey Omulo (Hohenheim University).

11:30 hrs - 13:00 hrs

Subtheme 2: Strengthening effective pan-African national and regional networks, partnerships and cooperation mechanisms.

Keynote speaker: Saidi Mkomwa (ACT); 

Session Chair: Rafael Fuentes (IAPAR); Co-Chair - Valentine Fombin (Cameroon). 

Rapporteurs: Emilio Gonzalez (ECAF); Nomathemba Mhlanga (FAO), Theresa R Mulaire (CFGB).

13:00 hrs - 14:00 hrs

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Parallel sessions - Continued Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

14:00 hrs - 16:00 hrs

Subtheme 1 (continued)

Session Chair: Joseph Mureithi (ACT); Co-Chair: Abdul Rahman Kamara (Sierra Leone). 

Rapporteurs: Hatem C. M’hamed (INRA, Tunisia), Johann Strauss (Cape Province, SA), Hamisi Dulla (ACT) 

14:00 hrs - 16:00 hrs

Subtheme 2 (continued)

Session Chair: Jerome Afeikhena (AUC). Co-chair: Bereket Forsido (Ethiopia). 

Rapporteurs: Joseph Mpagalile (FAO); Samba Kante (Senegal), Eletina Lungu (Zambia)

Plenary 5 – Panel Discussion Master of Ceremony - Faouzi Bekkaoui(INRA)

16:30 hrs - 18:00 hrs

Plenary 5 – Panel Discussion: Strengthening CA Research and Education in Africa

Conveners: Rachid Moussadek & Mohamed Chikhaoui (INRA/IAV/ICARDA) 

Moderator: Faouzi Bekkaoui(INRA) 

Panellists: Michael Baum (ICARDA), Bruno Gerard (UM6P), Henry Mloza-Banda (ICAAP Africa), John Laborde (RICA), Patrick Okori (RUFORUM) and Rachid Bouabid (ENAM). 

Rapporteurs. Badr El Himdy (IAV), Abdellah Aboudrare (ENAM) and Baqir Lalani (UK)

Gala Dinner Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

18:00 hrs - 21:00 hrs

Gala Dinner

Awards, Gala Dinner and Cultural Evening

Parallel Sessions Sub-theme 3 and 4 Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

8:30 hrs - 11:00 hrs

Subtheme 3: Mobilizing “green” developmental private sector investments for prioritised CA and SAM for women and youth;

Keynote speaker: Rachid Moussadek (INRA/ICARDA) 

Session Chair: Klaas Mampholo (DAAF SA); Co-chair: Richard Kanui (Kenya). 

Rapporteurs: M. Boughlala (INRA) and Kofi Boa (CNTA), Meaza Melkamu (Ethiopia).

8:30 hrs - 11:00 hrs

Subtheme 4: Enhancing public and private sector investments and the creation of an enabling environment;

Keynote speaker: Martin Bwalya (ACT). 

Session Chair: Theodor Friedrich (Consultant), Co-chair: Valere Nzeyimana (FAO). 

Rapporteurs: Mina Devkota (ICARDA), Mloza Banda (ICAAP-Africa), Oussama El Gharras (Agenda NGO).

11:00 hrs - 11:30 hrs

Tea Break

Tea Break

Plenary 6 – Panel Discussion Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

11:30 hrs - 13:00 hrs

Plenary 6 – Panel Discussion: Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa (SAMA)

Convener: Geoffrey Mrema (SUA). Moderator: TBD. 

Panellists: Mataba Tapela (U of Gaborone), Joseph Mpagalile (FAO), Andriamady Rondromalala (Madagascar), Josef Kienzle (FAO, Rome), Jerome Afeikhena (AUC). 

Rapporteurs: Karim Houmy (FAO), Mathias Fonteh (Cameroon) and Abdelmalek Zirari (INRA).

13:00 hrs - 14:00 hrs

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Plenary 7 – Panel Discussion Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

14:00 hrs - 15:30 hrs

Plenary 7 – Panel Discussion: Investments in CA & SAM in Africa

Convener: Martin Bwalya (ACT). Co-chair: Samba Kante (Senegal). 

Panellists: Mohamed Manssouri (FAO CFID), Chakib Jenane (WB); Abdullahi G. Abubakar (Nigeria), Meryem Dkhil (Credit Agricole Bank Morocco) and Saidi Mkomwa (ACT). 

Rapporteurs: Marius Aina (Benin), Putso Nyathi (IFAD) and Hendrik Smith (SA)

Closing Session Master of Ceremony - Session Facilitator

16:00 hrs - 17:30 hrs

Closing session

Announcements on field site visits. (INRA/ONCA/ICARDA/ Almoutmir) 

Awards for best oral and poster presentations (Joseph Mureithi, ACT Board)

Presentation of the 3ACCA Rabat Declaration (AUC/ INRA/ ICARDA)

Feedback on the 3ACCA. (El Hassane Bourarach -3ACCA Secretariat)

Closing remarks - Mohamed Manssouri (FAO CFID)

Vote of Thanks – Hafiz Muminjanov (on behalf of participants) and Saidi Mkomwa (on behalf of the organizers)

Field Day Master of Ceremony - Rachid Moussadek (INRA/ ICARDA)

8:30 hrs - 17:00 hrs

Field Day

Visits to Long term CA trials in Merchouch INRA/ICARDA at the Experimental Station (1h from Rabat) (with the support of ONCA, AMAC and UM6P/Al Moutmir);

Three (3) on-farm CA trials under cereal based systems; 

CA practicing farmers and equipment manufacturers.

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